Workshops and Conferences



Workshops and Conferences

An “International Conference,” organized by Naama Goren-Inbar, was held from 19/05–23/05 at the Institute for Advanced Studies, Edmond J. Safra Campus, the Hebrew University of Jerusalem. The conference was supported by the Israel Science Foundation, the Institute for Advanced Studies, and the Hebrew University, and included three days of lectures and two days of field excursions. Participants came from the United States, Germany, Spain, England, and Israel, and presented lectures on various paleoclimatic aspects from the following disciplines: geology (isotopic studies), paleontology, prehistory, and palaeobotany.

Groupe picture

The field excursions were guided by Drs. Amos Frunkin, Mira Bar-Mathews, Avner Ayalon, Alan Mathews, and Hanan Ginat. The first day featured visits to sites with visible paleoclimatic evidence and included exposures from Qumran to Har Sodom, as well as a visit to Masada guided by Prof. Amnon Ben-Tor. The second day comprised a trip to the Arava (including a tour of Timna) and the Negev, with visits to caves and fissures with speleothems. General explanations concerning the evolution of the landforms were also given.

The conference’s contributions will be published in a Special Issue (SI) of the Journal of Human Evolution.

Conference program (PDF)

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