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Past Projects

Bar-Yosef, O. 1975. Archaeological occurrences in the Middle Pleistocene of Israel. Pp. 571-604. In K. W. B. a. G. L. Isaac, ed. After the Australopithecines: Stratigraphy, Ecology and Culture Change in the Middle Pleistocene. Aldine, Chicago.

Clark, J. D. 1977. Bone tools of the Earlier Pleistocene. Pp. *23-*37. In B. Arensburg, and O. Bar-Yosef, eds. Moshé Stekelis memorial volume; Eretz-Israel 13. The Israel Exploration Society and The Institute of Archaeology of The Hebrew University of JerusalemHebrew University, Jerusalem.

Geraads, D., and E. Tchernov. 1983. Femurs Humains du Pleistocene Moyen de Gesher Benot Ya'aqov (Israel). L'Anthropologie 87(1):138-141.

Gilead, D. 1968. Gesher Benot Ya'aqov. Hadashot Archeologiot 27:34-35. (in Hebrew)

Gilead, D. 1970. Handaxe industries in Israel and the Near East. World Archaeology 2:1-11.

Gilead, D. 1970a. Early paleolithic cultures in Israel and the Near East. Ph. D. Hebrew University, Jerusalem, Jerusalem.

Gilead, D. 1973. Cleavers in the early Palaeolithic industries in Israel. Paléorient 1:73-86.

Grossowicz, M., N. Sivan, and J. Heller. 2003. Melanopsis from the Pleistocene of the Hula Valley (Gastropoda:Cerithioidea). Israel Journal of Earth Sciences 52(3-4):221-234.

Heller, J., and N. Sivan. 2001. Melanopsis from the Mid-Plesitocene Site of Gesher Benot Ya'aqov (Gastropoda: Cerithioidea. Journal of Conchology 37(2):127-147.

Heller, J., N. Sivan, and U. Motro. 1999. Systematics, distribution and hybridization of Melanopsis from the Jordan Valley (Gastropoda: Prosobranchia). Journal of Conchology 36(5):49-81.

Hooijer, D. A. 1959. Fossil mammals from Jisr Banat Yaqub, south of Lake Hule, Israel. Bulletin of the Research Council of Israel G8:177-179.

Hooijer, D. A. 1960. A Stegodon from Israel. Bulletin of the Research Council of Israel G8:104-107.

Hooijer, D. A. 1962. The Middle Pleistocene fuana of the Near East. Pp. 81-83. In G. Kurtén, ed. Evolution and hominization. Fischer Verlag, Stuttgart.

Horowitz, A. 1973. Development of the Hula Basin, Israel. Israel Journal of Earth Sciences 22:107-139.

Moshkovitz, S., and M. Magaritz. 1987. Stratigraphy and isotope records of middle and Late Pleistocene mollusks from a continuous corehole in the Hula Basin, northern Jordan Valley, Israel. Quaternary Research 28:226-237.

Picard, L. 1952. The Pleistocene peat of Lake Hula. Bulletin of the Research Council of Israel G2(2):147-156.

Picard, L. 1963. The Quaternary in the Northern Jordan Valley. Proceedings, Israel Academy of Sciences and Humanities 1(4):1-34.

Picard, L. 1965. The geological evolution of the Quaternary in the central-northern Jordan Graben. American Geological Society Special Papers 84:337-366.

Rosenthal, Y., A. Katz, and E. Tchernov. 1989. The reconstruction of Quaternary freshwater lakes from the chemical and isotopic composition of Gastropod shells: the Dead Sea Rift, Israel. Paleo. Paleo. Paleo. 74:241-253.

Schulamn, N. 1967. Remarks on the Quaternary in the Northern Jordan Valley. Israel Journal of Earth Sciences 16:104-106.

Stekelis, M. 1956. The implementiferous beds of the Jordan Valley, IV. P. 391. Cong. Internat. Cien. Prehist. y Protohist. Cronica (Madrid, 1954). Zaragoza.

Stekelis, M. 1960. The Paleolithic deposits of Jisr Banat Yaqub. Bulletin of the Research Council of Israel G9:61-87.

Stekelis, M. 1967. Un lissoir en os du Pléistocène Moyen de la valée du Jourdain. Revista da Faculdadede Lettras, Universidade de Lisboa Series III (no. 10):3-7.

Stekelis, M., L. Picard, and D. M. A. Bate. 1937. Jisr Banat Ya'qub. Quart. Dept. Antiquities, Palestine 6:214-215.

Stekelis, M., L. Picard, and D. M. A. Bate. 1938. Jisr Banat Ya'qub. Quart. Dept. Antiquities, Palestine 7:45.

Tchernov, E. 1973. On the Pleistocene Molluscs of the Jordan Valley. Proceedings, Israel Academy of Sciences and Humanities 11:1-46.

Tchernov, E. 1988. The paleobiogeographical history of the southern Levant. Pp. 159-250. In Y. Yom-Tov, and E. Tchernov, eds. The Zoogeography of Israel. Dr. W. Junk Publishers, The Hague.

Tchernov, E. 1994. New comments on the biostratigraphy of the Middle and Upper Pleistocene of the Southern Levant. Pp. 333-350. In O. Bar-Yosef, and R. S. Kra, eds. Late Quaternary chronology and paleoclimates of the Eastsern Mediterranean. Radiocarbon.

Tchernov, E. 1996. Rodent Faunas chronostratigraphy and palaeobiogeography of the southern Levant during the Quaternary. Acta Zoologica Cracoviensia 39 (1):513-530.

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