Center of Excellence
Botany Research Sub-Group
Dr. Ehud Weiss
Kislev, M., Simchoni, O. and Weiss, E. 2002. Reconstruction of the landscape, human economy, and huts use by the botanical remains found at Ohalo II. In: Nadel, D. (ed.) Ohalo II – A 23,000-Year-Old Fisher-Hunter-Gatherers’ Camp on the Shore of the Sea of Galilee. Hecht Museum, University of Haifa, Catalogue No. 20, pp. *21-*23.
Nadel D., Tsatskin A., Bar-Yosef Mayer D.E., Belmaker M., Boaretto E., Kislev M.E., Hershkovitz I., Rabinovich R., Simmons T., Weiss E., Zohar I., Asfur O., Emmer G., Ghraieb T., Grinberg E., Halabi H., Weissbrod L., Zaidner Y. 2002. The Ohalo II 1999 – 2000 Seasons of Excavation: a Preliminary Report. Mitekufat Haeven 32: 17-48.
Nadel D., Tsatskin A., Bar-Yosef Mayer D.E., Belmaker M., Boaretto E., Kislev M.E., Hershkovitz I., Rabinovich R., Simchoni O. Simmons T.,
Weiss E., Zohar I., Emmer G., Ghraieb T., Grinberg U., Spivak P., Weissbrod L., Zaidner Y. 2003. The Ohalo II 2001 Season of Excavation: a Preliminary Report. Mitekufat Haeven, 33, 9-36.
Kislev, M.E., Weiss, E., Hartman, A. 2004. Impetus for sowing and the beginning of agriculture: ground collecting of wild cereals. Proceeding of the National Academy of Science 101(9), 2692-2695. Equal contribution.
Weiss, E. and Kislev, M. E. 2004. Plant Remains as Indicators for Economic Activity: Iron Age Ashkelon, a Case Study. Journal of Archaeological Science 31, 1-13.
Nadel, D., Weiss, E., Simchoni, O., Tsatskin, A., Danin, A., and Kislev, M. 2004. Stone Age Hut in Israel Yields World's Oldest Evidence of Bedding. Proceeding of the National Academy of Science 101(17), 6821-6826.
Nadel D., Tsatskin A., Belmaker M., Boaretto E., Kislev M. E., Mienis H., Rabinovich R., Simchoni O., Simmons T., Weiss E. and Zohar I. 2004. On the Shore of a Fluctuating Lake: Environmental Evidence from Ohalo II (19,500 B.P.). Israel Journal of Earth Science 53, 207-223.
Weiss, E. and Kislev, M. 2004. Weeds and seeds, what archaeobotany can teach us. Biblical Archaeology Review 30 (6): 32-37.
Weiss, E. 2005. Des Moissons avent L’Agriculture. La Recherche 382, 62-65.
Faust, A. and Weiss, E. 2005. Judah, Philistia and the Mediterranean World: Reconstructing the Seventh Century BCE Economic System. Bulletin of the American School of Oriental Research 338, 71-92.
Weiss, E., Fairbairn, A. and Fritz, G. In press. Ethnobotanist of the distant past: Professor Gordon C. Hillman 2004 Distinguished Economic Botanist. Economic Botany.
Lev-Yadun, S., Hartmann, A., Weiss, E. and Kislev, M.E. Submitted. Was the domestication process of Near Eastern cereals slow? Quarterly Review of Biology.