
Center News

Botany Sub-Group

Zoology Sub-Group



Geochemistry and Dating Sub-Group

Archaeology Sub-Group

Center of Excellence

Zoology Research Sub-Group

Habitat and zoological biodiversity reconstruction of a 0.78Ma old site along its 100Ka sequence, in view of climate change

  • Dr. Rabinovich and friend in Trench IV 1995.
    Dr. Rabinovich and friend in Trench IV 1995.
    The zoology research group aims to apply ecological parameters used for recent populations, to fossil populations
  • This attempt will generate a unique tool for predicting the impact of future climatic changes on recent lacustrine environments based on fossil data
  • changes in climate along the 100Ka sequence in the site of Gesher Benot Yaaqov will be detected by identifying changes in ecological parameters such as species richness, abundance, diversity, coexistence and biogeographic origin of fauna groups
  • using indicator species, the fauna paleohabitats and thr climate induced changes in fossil assemblages ecological parameters will be reconstructed

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