Publications:A. Flexer, A. Yellin-Dror, J. Kronfeld, E. Rosenthal, Z. Ben-Avraham, P.P. Artsztein, L. Davidson. 2000. A Neogene salt body as the primary source of the salinity in Lake Kinneret. Archiv fur Hydrobiologia 55, 45-54. M. Weinstein-Evron, J, C, Vogel, J. Kronfeld. 2001.Further attempts at dating the the palynological sequence of the Hula L07 Core, Upper Jordan Valley, Israel, Radiocarbon 43, 561-570. A. Kacanski. I. Carmi, A. Shemesh, J. Kronfeld, R. Yam, A. Flexer. 2001. Late Holocene climate change in the Balkans: Speleothem isotopic data from Serbia. Radiocarbon 43, 647-658. D. Avisar, J. Kronfeld, J. Kolton, E. Rosenthal, G. Weinberger. 2000.The source of the Yarkon Springs, Israel. Radiocarbon 43, 793-800. H. Koral, J. Kronfeld, N. Avsar, V. Yanko, J. C. Vogel. 2001. Major recent tectonic uplift in Iskenderun bay, Turkey. Radiocarbon 43, 957-964. V. Rogojin, I. Carmi, J. Kronfeld, A.S. Talma. 2002. A better developed soil profile during Biblical Times in the western Galilee: 15N evidence in 14C dated groundwater, Geochronometria 21,79-84. T. Minster, S. Ilani, J. Kronfeld, I. Godfrey- Smith. 2004.The source of anomalous radium in the Nitzana-1 well, Journal of Environmental Radioactivity 71, 261-273. D. Avisar, E. Rosenthal, H. Shulman. M. Zilberbrand A. Flexer, J .Kronfeld, Z. Ben- Avraham, L. Fleisher. 2004. The Pliocene Yafo Formation in Israel: hydrologically inert or active? Hydrogeology Journal 12, 291-304. J. Kronfeld, D. Johanessen, D.I. Godfrey-Smith, M. Zentilli. 2004. Disequilibria in the 238U- decay series in the Avon Valley, Nova Scotia. Journal of Environmental Radioactivity 73, 335-352. I. Carmi, J. Kronfeld, Y. Yechieli, E. Boaretto, M. Bar-Mathews, A. Ayalon. 2005.The 14C gradient in the unsaturated zone of a carbonate aquifer. Radiocarbon 47, 11-19. I. Carmi, R. Haklai, S. Rozalis, J. Kronfeld. 2005. An urban source of CO2 to the atmosphere. Geochronometria 24, 59-61. T. Minster, S. Ilani, J. Kronfeld, O. Even, in press. The sources of radioactivity along the Sea of Galilee. Journal of Environmental Radioactivity.
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