Center of Excellence
Geochemistry and Dating Research Sub-Group
Prof. Abraham Starinsky
Research Interests:
- Geochemistry of brines
- Isotope geochemistry of Sr, S, B, Li
- Geochronology (Rb-Sr; K-Ar)
- Radioactivity of groundwater
Research Projects:
- Boron isotopes in waters in Israel (with A. Katz)
- Water-rock interaction in the Dead Sea Rift (in cooperation with the BGS, Nottingham)
- Radioactivity of groundwater along the Dead Sea Rift (with Y. Kolodny; a joint project with the Free University, Berlin)
- The geochemistry of the Dead Sea waters
- Salinization and contamination phenomena in groundwater along the Mediterranean coast of Israel
Amit H., Lyakhovsky V. Katz A., Starinsky A. and Burg A. (2002) Interpretation of springs recession curves, Groundwater, 40(5), 543-551.
Chan L.-H., Starinsky A. and Katz A. (2002) The behavior of lithium and its isotopes in oilfield brines: Evidence from the Heletz-Kohav field, Israel, Geochim. Cosmochim. Acta, 66, 615-623.
Krumgalz B., Magdal E. and Starinsky A. (2002), The evolution of a chloride sedimentary sequence – simulated evaporation of the Dead Sea, Israel J. Earth Sci., 51, 253-267.
Stein M., Agnon A., Katz A. and Starinsky A. (2002) Strontium isotopes in discordant dolomite bodies of the Judea Group, Dead Sea basin, Israel J. Earth Sci., 51, 219-224.
Bottomley D.B., Chan L.-H., Katz A., Starinsky A. and Clark I.D. (2003) Lithium isotope geochemistry and origin of Canadian Shield brines, Groundwater, 41(6), 847-856.
Katz A. and Starinsky A. (2003), Iodine-129 constrains on residence times of deep marine brines in the Canadian Shield, Geology, 31(1), 93-94.
Starinsky A. and Katz A. (2003) The formation of natural cryogenic brines, Geochim. Cosmochim. Acta, 67(8), 1475-1484.
Kass A., Gavrieli I., Yechieli Y., Vengosh A., Starinsky A. (2005) The impact of freshwater and wastewater irrigation on the chemistry of shallow groundwater: a case study from the Israeli Coastal Aquifer, Jour. of Hydrology. 300, 314-331.
Waldmann N., Starinsky A. and Stein M. (2007) Primary carbonates and Ca-Chloride brines as monitors of paleo-hydrological regime in the Dead Sea basin, Quaternary Science Reviews, 26,2219-2228.
Stein M., Almogi- Labin A., Goldstein S.L., Hembleben C. and Starinsky A.(2007) Late Quaternary changes in desert dust inputs to the Red Sea and Gulf of Aden from 87Sr/86Sr ratios in deep- sea cores, Earth and Planetary Science Letters. 261,104-119.