Publications:Ashkenazi, S., Motro, U., Goren-Inbar, N., Biton, R. and Rabinovich, R. 2005. New morphometric parameters for assessment of body size in the fossil freshwater crab assemblage from the Acheulian site of Gesher Benot Ya'aqov, Israel. Rink, W.J., H.P Schwarcz, H.K. Lee, J. Rees-Jones, R. Rabinovich and E. Hovers. 2001. Electron Spin Resonance (ESR) and Mass Spectometric Uranium Series (MSUS) Dating of Teeth in Middle Palaeolithic layers at Amud Cave, Israel. Geoarchaeology 16(6), 701-717. Rabinovich, R. 2002. Man versus carnivores in the Middle - Upper Paleolithic of the Southern Levant. Archaeozoology of the Near East. Fifth symposium. Irbid, Jordan, 2000. ARC-Publicaties 62, Groningen, The Netherlands. Le Mort, F. and R. Rabinovich. 2002. The taphonomic aspect of the mortuary site of Kissufim Road, Israel. in Y. Goren and P. Fabian (eds): A Chalcolithic Mortuary Site at Kissufim Road, Israel. Jerusalem, Israel Antiquities Authority (IAA Reports monograph series No. 4). Sharon, G., C.G. Feibel, S. Belitzky, O. Marder, H. Khalaily and R. Rabinovich. 2002. The drainage destruction at Gesher Benot Ya’aqoov 1999: archaeological and geological implications. Eretz Zaphon. Atiqot. Rabinovich, R. 2003. The Levantine Upper Palaeolithic faunal record. In. N. Goring-Morris and A. Belfer-Cohen (eds.): ‘More than Meets the Eye: Studies on Upper Palaeolithic Diversity in the Near East”. Oxbow Books, Oxford. pp. 33-48. Nadel D., Tsatskin A., Bar-Yosef Mayer D., Belmaker M., Kislev M.E., Rabinovich R., Simmons T., Weiss U., Zohar I. Asfur O., Emmer G., Ghraiev T., Grinberg U., Halabi H., Weissbrod L., Zaidner Y. 2003. The Ohalo II 2001 Seasons of excavation: A preliminary report. Journal of the Israel Prehistoric Society Mitekufat Haheven 33, 9-36. Rabinovich R and Hovers E. 2004. Faunal analysis from Amud Cave: preliminary results and interpretations. International Journal of Osteoarchaeology 14, 287-306. Valla F.R., Khalaily H., Valladas H., Tisnérat-Laborde N., Samuelian N., Bocquentin F., Rabinovich R., Bridault A., Le Dosseur G., Rosen A., Dubreuil L., Bar-Yosef D., Belfer-Cohen A. 2004. Les fouilles de Mallaha en 2000 et 2001; 3eme rapport préliminaire. Journal of the Israel Prehistoric Society-Mitekufat Haheven 34, 49-244. Nadel, D,. Tsatskin A., Belmaker, M., Boaretto, E., Mordechai, K., Mienis, H., Rabinovich, R., Simchoni, O., Simmons, T., Weiss, E. and Zohar, I. 2004. On the shore of a fluctuating lake: Environmental evidence from Ohalo II (19,500 B.P). Israel Journal of Earth Science 53, 1-17. Rabinovich, R and T. Kahana, in press. Animal attacks/injuries: Predation. In Encyclopedia of Forensic and Legal Medicine, Elsevier Ltd. Rabinovich, R., O. Bar-Yosef, B. Vandermeersch and L.K. Horwitz. 2004. Hominid-carnivore interactions in the Paleolithic site of Qafzeh Cave, Israel. Revue de Paléobiology (Muséum d’histoire naturelle de Genève) 23(2), 627-637. Rabinovich, R and D. Nadel. in press. Broken mammal bones: taphonomy and food sharing at the Ohalo II submerged prehistoric camp. Archaeozoology of the Near East. Six symposium. Irbid, London, 2002. ARC-Publicaties 62, Groningen, The Netherlands. |
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