
Center News

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Zoology Sub-Group



Geochemistry and Dating Sub-Group

Archaeology Sub-Group

Center of Excellence

Zoology Research Sub-Group

Dr. Irit Zohar
Dr. Irit Zohar


Zohar, I., Dayan, T., Spanier, E., Galili, E., Lernau, O. (1994):
Exploitation of gray triggerfish (Balistes carolinensis) by the prehistoric inhabitants of Atlit-Yam, Israel: a preliminary report. In: Fish Exploitation in The Past.
W. Van Neer (ed.) Annales du Museé Royal de l' Afrique Centralé, Sciences Zoologiques. no. 274:231-238. Tervuren.

Zohar, I., Dayan, T. and Spanier, E. (1997):
Predicting Gray triggerfish body size from Bones.
International Journal of Osteoarchaeology, 7:150-156

Zohar, I. and Cooke, R. (1997):
The impact of salting and drying on fish bones: Preliminary observations on four marine species from Parita Bay, Panama.
Archaeofauna, 6:59-66

Zohar, I., Dayan, T., Galili, E., and Spanier, E. (2001):
Fish processing during the early Holocene: A taphonomic study.
Journal of Archaeological Science. 28: 1041-1053

Zohar, I. (2002):
Fish and Fishing at Ohalo II.
Ohalo II: A 23,000-Year-Old Fisher-Hunter-Gatherers’ Camp on the Shore of the Sea of Galilee. D. Nadel (ed.) Catalogue No. 20. Reuben and Edith Hecht Museum, University of Haifa, Israel.

Galili, E., Lernau, O., Sharvit, J., and Zohar, I. (2004):
Fishing and coastal adaptation at ‘Atlit-Yam-a submerged PPNC fishing village off the Carmel Coast, Israel.
Atiqot 48: 1-34.

Zohar, I. and Belmaker, M. (2005):
Size Does Matter: Methodological comments on sieve size and species richness in fishbone assemblages.
Journal of Archaeological Science 32: 635-641.

Van Neer, W., Zohar, I. and Lernau, O. (2005):
The emergence of fishing communities in the Eastern Mediterranean region: A survey of evidence from pre- and protohistoric periods. Paléorient 31(1):131-157.

Valla, F.R., Khalaily, H., Valladas, H., Kaltnecker, E.,Bocquentin, F., Cabellos, T., Bar-Yosef Mayer, D., Le Dosseur, G., Regev, L., Chu, V., Weiner, S., Boaretto, E., Samuelian, N., Valentin, B., Delerue, S., Poupeau, G., Bridault, A., Rabinovich, R., Simmons, T., Zohar, I., Ashkenazi, S., Huertas, A.D., Spiro, B., Mienis, H. K., Rosen, A.M., Porat, N., Belfer-Cohen, A. (2007):
Les fouilles de Ain Mallaha (Eynan) de 2003 à 2005: Quatrième rapport préliminaire.
Mitekufat Ha'even, Journal of the Israel Prehistoric Society: 37:135-384

Accepted for Publication:
Raban-Gerstel, N., Bar-Oz, G., Zohar, I., Sharon, I., and Gilboa, A.
Early Iron Age Dor (Israel): A faunal perspective. BASOR.

Zohar, I., Belmaker,M., Nadel, D., Gafny, S., Goren, M., Hershkovitz, I., and Dayan, T.
The living and the dead: How do taphonomic processes modify relative abundance and skeletal completeness of freshwater fish? Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology.

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